To BnB or Not to BnB
When I tell people i'm an airbnb host some people say “I could never do that." Or "I wouldn't want strangers in my home.” Others think it's totally cool and can't wait to get home and start their own. Continue reading...
The Price is Right
Picking your price can be tricky and cause you stress. You want to get enough for each night so it's worth it to you, but not so much that no one books. Here are a few things to consider when picking your price: Continue reading...
What's Between the Sheets
When I first started I was nervous about how much I was going to be able to make. I bought $20 sheets from Ross and filled my room with junky ikea funiture. Continue reading...
Everyone is a Critic
Being reviewed is the hardest part of renting on Airbnb for me. I put a lot of work into keeping my kids quiet and the house clean. When I don't meet my guests' expectations my feelings are hurt. Every time I would get reviewed my heart would stop until I read it. Most of the time they were super nice reviews. But even the ones where I'm given a suggestion I would take it personally. Even if you have the perfect house, you won't be able to meet the expectations of everyone. Continue reading...
The Joys of Cleaning
I once checked into a house where the room was clean, but the rest of the house was cluttered and dirty. The kitchen was so gross I refused to even fill up my water bottle in it. The host was super nice and my room was clean so I gave her 3 stars, but I judged that as dirty as the host's house was, they only deserved one star. Continue reading...
Sweat the Small Stuff
Details are everything when being a bnb host. The nicer you keep your house, the more perceived value your room has... meaning you can charge more. Continue reading...
The Great Outdoors
Having an outdoor entertaining space is crucial to renting out your whole home, or just a room. Continue reading...
The Kitchen is the Heart of your Home
Deciding on whether or not to let guests use your kitchen is hard. There are a lot of pros and cons either way. I personally let guests use my kitchen. Continue reading...
A Picture is Worth a Million Words
It's said that a picture is worth a million words. When it comes to renting out your room or place I think it's closer to billion words. Continue reading...
One Night Stands
I love the one night stays. Usually the guest is staying one night as they pass through town. They often get in late and leave early. (That means less hours to keep my kids quite.) The guests are often travel tired and don't try to engage in conversation. Continue reading...
Fish and Houseguests Smell after Three Days
Like a college roommate, long stay guests can be awesome or a horror. There have been guests who I have loved and when they leave I am sad. Then there are guests that I can't down the days until they leave. There was one guest that booked for 3 months and after a month she was so horrible that i had to call the police on her. Continue reading...
Woes of the Directionally Challenged
I don't care if your house is the Empire State Building. People will get lost getting to your house. Little old ladies, people who don't drive well in the dark, and people who have trouble following directions from their GPS. Continue reading...
Your House Can Pay For Your Vacation
That's right. You read it right. I've always felt like the best airbnb experiences I have is when i'm not home. Continue reading...
The Customer is Always Right
This can be a hard pill to swallow when it comes to your own home. The home that you put so much love, time, and effort into. Things can go wrong for a guest and putting them right can be the difference between a bad review and a good review. Continue reading...
Cutting Out the Middleman
Imagine that you work for a company that gives a referral bonus for everyone that you refer who gets hired. Imagine that you talk one of your friends into leaving their job and they get hired at the company you work for. Granite it wasn't a lot of work, but it did take your time and effort. Then your company says, we aren't going to give you your bonus. How would you feel? You facilitated that hire and they wouldn't be there without you. I would feel hurt, angry, and betrayed. Continue reading...
Safety: The only thing you need to fear is fear itself
When I tell people that I do airbnb one of the first things they say is. "I could never feel safe doing that." "Or how do you feel safe letting strangers into your home when you have children?" Continue reading...
You can't beat the tax man
When I first signed up for airbnb they did not ask me for my SSN. It didn't occur to me that I would have to pay tax on the money I was making. Stupid I know. Then in December they sent me a request for my SSN so they could send me tax documents, I was like "oh no". (Actually my language was a little more corolful than that.) Continue reading...

BnB Lady
I'm Colleen, and I've been doing Airbnb for over 2 years. There are guests that I have loved and guests that I just can't wait to get out of my house. I've learned a lot from trial and error. It's a great way to earn extra income and I'm here to share my experience so I can help others make some great passive income.
I personally love using Airbnb. Click here if you want to sign up to host with them.
Contact me if you want to hire me to help you set up your BnB!